In our busy lives, we can take our health for granted and encounter health issues as we age which are entirely preventable. Our bodies can under perform affecting our physical and mental health if conditions such as under-active thyroid disease are not identified and treated early.

At Enniscorthy Medical Centre, our team can offer you a comprehensive “Health Check” with the appropriate follow-up.

Visit One (Nurse)

  • Lifestyle & Screening Questionnaire
  • Blood Pressure
  • Height/Weight/Body Mass Index
  • ECG
  • Blood Tests: Full Blood Count, Thyroid Function Test, Liver Function Tests, Kidney Function tests, Cholesterol Levels, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Iron, Prostate Cancer Antigen (PSA), Glucose
  • Urinalysis

Visit 2 (Doctor – 2 weeks later)

  • Review of Test Results
  • Physical Examination

Cost €250

Optional Tests available

  • Eye Sight/VDU Screening

Cost €300

To make an appointment telephone Enniscorthy Medical Centre on 053 92 39512 or complete the Contact Form On line

Skin Health - Family-adventure-on-some-of-the-worlds-best-beaches